Are you tired of posting your job openings on countless numbers of job sites? With our job distribution system, we will do all the work for you.
Here’s how it works:
It starts with one job posting on From there, our solutions help employers recruit quality candidates faster and easier than ever before.
Job Placement across 100+ job boards and 1000+ relevant partner sites.
Proprietary Job Matching Technology and big data instantly match employers and job seekers in a highly efficient manner.
Quickly sort, rank and connect with candidates from across the internet from one employer dashboard.
What we offer that others don’t:
- Maximum Reach – Boost the performance of a job posting on with distribution across the most visited job boards, websites and social networks. Jobs will receive targeted distribution and higher rankings with posting optimization and real-time monitoring
- Candidate Management Tools – The employer dashboard makes it easy for employers to manage and connect with candidates in one place. Sort and rank resumes, and source candidates from
across the internet through the dashboard. Now, employers can make hiring decisions quickly and efficiently. - Real-Time Job Matching™- Real-Time job matching technology works around the clock to match employers and job seekers. When an employer or job seeker updates a posting requirement or adds a skill to their profile, new match results are instantly updated within an account.
- Recruitment Analytics – Actionable employer data places job performance data and predictive data
front and center. Employers can preview a performance upgrade’s effect on a job posting, making budgeting decisions to maximize the ROI simple.
Learn how Nola Media Group recruiting and marketing solutions can help solve your talent acquisition challenges. Contact your sales representative today!
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